Lion Rolling Circus | regular tips - silver

THE BIGGER THE JOINT, THE BIGGER THE ADVENTURE. That’s the motto of the LION ROLLING CIRCUS®. And enhances this adventure with the SILVER REGULAR TIPS. The LION ROLLING CIRCUS® consists of Edgar Allan, Ruby, Sexy Sadie, Tora Tora, Silverfuck and Jellybelly, and Mr Trampoline. Behind each of these characters is a unique adventure in life – where ist your journey going?
1,40 €
Vain yritykset voivat tilata tupakkatuotteita etämyynnistä.
Size: 60x20mm
Quality: Bleached chlorine-free
Note: Perforated

✔️️ Perforation for easy rolling

✔️️ Chlorine-free bleached paper

✔️️ Booklets with motifs of the freaky circus ensemble
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