V Syndicate | Alice in Grinderland collectione - Cheshire Cat

9,00 €
Protective Sleeve: Covers and conceals the card for privacy and easier storage in your wallet. The grinning cat sleeve features another original illustration of the Cheshire Cat sitting at the Hatter's Tea Party. On the front side of the sleeve you can see Cheshire Cat from the front and on the back side the back of the chair on which he is sitting.

All 6 Alice in Grinderland series covers show front and back of the characters sitting at the same table.

Shredder Stand: All of our cards come with a free 4x6 inch card that can be folded into a shredder stand specifically to hold the card. When folded, the base becomes a slot, which is good for card storage. You can grind directly on the base and then use it to fill the papers.

The Grinder Card and its sleeve are about the same size as a regular business or credit card, measuring about 2.1 x 3.3 inches and weighing about half an ounce, making them perfect for any standard wallet.
Grinder cards are portable, easy to handle and easy to clean.
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Olet arvostelemassa:V Syndicate | Alice in Grinderland collectione - Cheshire Cat